I am a seeker; one who spent many years attempting to find answers. I’ve studied yoga for the last handful of years, spent time travelling throughout India, studied integrative energy healing in Vancouver, lived in a monastery in Nepal, and trekked into the foothills of my own becoming—all to return to the healing powers of nature. I have had a humbling journey, one that has walked me into living fully in the depths of mystery. I feel as though the work that I offer weaves all these things combined; energy healing in-motion, photos to recognize one’s own essence, to challenge the thoughts that try to drown out one’s beauty. Portrait photography is a healing medium, one where the ways in which we see ourselves are mirrored back through the lens of our own internalized perceptions. It takes courage to go into these places, to let oneself be seen, to be with whatever it is that longs to arise.

There are these vast complexities that come to rise when we are delving into the realms of reclaiming our own wildness. What it can bring up, both within our psyches and bones. An exploration of our ancestor’s remembrance—of shadows and light—the peaks and valleys of our humanness. Learning to sit with the deeply embedded internal hatred that has made its way into our bodies as well as a recognition of our beauty and strength. 

For me, this path wasn’t sought out on purpose; it was an exploration of my own darkness that has led me into remembrance of my own light. It’s been a deepening connection to nature and, in return, to my wild self. It’s been a process of making art, delving into the realms of deep grief, and letting joy dance through me in the wind’s embrace. Portrait photography found me in my deepest sorrows and brought me into the refuge of my heart. It demanded me to gracefully hold space for others willing to unravel, to sit with them in their experience, and be witness to what arises without trying to change it.

To ask questions and to hear stories, less from the mind and more from the way in which the body expresses itself in raw motion, is the service I aim to offer.

Grief tender, hold me as I weep with the Wild. Teach me the stories of soft becoming. Remind me of what it feels like to grow roots from the ground and branches that stretch high to the Spirits above. Bring me water when I am thirsty for truths and sun to help me grow from beneath the grounds of deeply feeling. Teach me how to hold both. To not drown in my darkness and get consumed by the light. How to not hide from that which longs for my gentle attention. Hold me in my worn out ways, remind me of my innocence. Help me never forget that I’ve always belonged. As I come home to the Earth, I come home to myself.